Sunday, August 28, 2011

Back to School Night

Parents, I sent home several forms to be filled out in your child's S.T.A.R. binder over the last week. The forms include a parent questionnaire, a volunteer form, a classroom contract, and a S.T.A.R. Binder contract. I'd like for these materials to be turned in by Back to School night. Thank you to those who have already taken the time to fill them out and return them back to me. If you need to download and print copies of any of the materials that I sent home, you can do that HERE. A link to printable classroom materials can also be found in the sidebar.

Here is more information on Back to School night. Hope to see you then!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Mini-Tour of Our Classroom

I wanted to share some photos of our classroom. Our room is partially under construction due to the fact that we are getting a new classroom library built soon. I will share more photos as that project gets completed.

This is our behavior clip chart. This chart is being used in all classrooms K-5. The wording is different on our charts, but the colors remain the same. In our classroom, each time a student ends the day on pink as a "Super Star Student" they earn a sticker on their clip. When they earn five stickers of the same color, they trade in their clip for the next colored clip.

For more information about this clip chart click HERE.

Another new program that we are doing on the elementary level is "Bucket Fillers", a program that encourages children to fill each other's buckets with good deeds and loving kindness. This is to help promote a school climate of kindness, safety, and repect. Each time a student catches one of his or her classmate showing love and kindness, he/she writes a note and puts it in the bucket. Notes will be read and taken home each Friday.

For more information on "Bucket Fillers" click HERE.

One of our classroom rules is "Be respectful", and one way to foster that atmosphere of respect is to make sure we take turns speaking. For many second graders this can be a challenge. Blurt Alert Tickets are given to those students who talk out of turn and interrupt others while it is their turn to talk. Blurt Alerts will be sent home on a Blurt Alert Bulletin each Friday so that parents can be notified. Parents please sign the Bulletin and return it back to school in your child's S.T.A.R. binder.

For more information on Blurt Alerts click HERE.

When students enter the room upon arrival, they are required to read our Morning Message located on the easel by the front door. Typically it will have a set of directions and a poll or question of the day.

Our classroom rules are universal for elementary students. I have added a pledge for our 2nd grade classroom as well.

We use hand signals in the classroom. I've been using them since I started teaching twelve years ago. It's one of the tips I learned in college during one of my education training courses that has been extremely effective with my students.

Our Math Focus Wall. It centers around calendar time which takes up the first 10-15 minutes of our math time. In those minutes we work on calendar skills, graphing, tallying, place value, counting money, time, and vocabulary.

And finally, the last photograph of our mini-tour is of Julio, our classroom pet. Julio is actually on loan from our guidance counselor who has no room for him in her new office. Julio is a corn snake and is about 2.5 feet in length. The kids have really taken to him, and I'm sure we'll learn plenty about Julio and snakes in general as the school year progresses.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Gourmet Gorilla - Lunch Program

I am very excited that we will working with Gourmet Gorilla to provide healthy, delicious lunches cooked from scratch. Meals will be made with 100% certified organic fruits and vegetables and without ingredients like artificial trans fats and high fructose corn syrup in a kitchen that is 100% nut free. Please check out the welcome letter and lunch program ordering instructions below. Feel free to download and print. Once you have registered with Gourmet Gorilla, you will be able to access the fall menu by day. A hard copy of the monthly menus is available at the school office.

We will be working quite closely with Gourmet Gorilla as we have recently formed a partnership with them outside of the lunch program. HAA has started a community garden this summer, and our new friends are sponsoring this endeavor! What's really exciting is that Gourmet Gorilla will be using the produce we grow in their meals. Our community garden is located behind the north parking lot of the school. We invite to come and take a look. It is still in its early stages, but we are looking forward to making our garden grow. If you have a green thumb and are interested in helping out, please contact the school office.

Lunch Program Ordering Instructions