Monday, September 29, 2014


Today we learned all about nouns. We learned that a noun can be a person, place, or thing. We brainstormed examples of common nouns and drew pictures of them for our anchor chart. Afterwards, we watched this fun Schoolhouse Rock video "What is a Noun?" In our Morning Message we talked about how proper nouns need their first letters capitalized. Tomorrow we will brainstorm examples of proper nouns for our noun anchor chart.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Coco Our Class Mascot

Coco is our class mascot. He has been part of my classroom since I started teaching in 1999. Coco turned 15 last month! We threw Coco a birthday party. The kids ate cookies and made Coco a birthday booklet.

Each Friday Coco goes home with one of my students. The kids help Coco write down what he does with each of them on the weekend. I have former students, including college grads, that tell me how much they loved taking Coco home when they were in the 2nd grade.

This past weekend, Coco and his host came to say hello to me during church service on Sabbath. I heard he also attended a fellow classmate's birthday party on Sunday. Fun!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Language Lesson: Types of Sentences and Ending Marks

Currently the kids are studying types of sentences and their ending marks. Here are a few videos by Scratch Garden that we watched in class. I promised the kids that I'd post them here so that they could watch them at home.

For more fun educational videos by Scratch Garden, you can check out their YouTube account HERE.