Monday, March 30, 2015

Coco, Our Classroom Mascot

Coco has been part of my classroom since the very first year that I started teaching in 1999. The summer before that school year started, I had been shopping at Barnes & Noble and found a book called "Missing: One Stuffed Rabbit" written by Maryann Cocca-Leffler. I knew I had to not only purchase the book, but I also had to have a Coco in my own classroom. I found the perfect Coco at Build-a-Bear. I decided I would go all out. At the start of the school year I planned to read the book to my 2nd graders, introduce Coco, and have each of my students take Coco home for a weekend along with a bag full of clothes and accessories (thank you Build-a-Bear for having so many options) as well as his journal. Coco was a huge hit, and fifteen school years later he remains one of the most popular special activities in my classroom. To this day, many former students including some who are now college graduates, doctors in training, and even married (!!!) tell me how much they loved Coco.

When students take Coco home, they are expected to write each day in the Coco's journal in his perspective. He usually writes about what he does, and occasionally he'll share what he sees, hears, feels, and even tastes! When Coco returns to school after the weekend, the student who took him home reads his journal to the class.

Here are some photos of Coco from this school year.

Coco turned 15 years old in August! Some of the kids made him birthday cards. We even sang "Happy Birthday" to him.
(Click on the video below.) In this photograph are the following: his original Build-a-Bear birth certificate from 1999, the book that inspired it all (sadly, it is now out of print), and his journal.

Coco with his host student at our annual Bike-a-thon.
Coco on vacation in St. Augustine.
Coco attending church, dressed up in his tuxedo suit.
A student reading Coco's journal to the class.

Students with Coco and his journal.

Each year students buy Coco clothes and/or accessories to add to his collection. Last year one of friends purchased Coco camouflage underwear and a black suit/tuxedo to wear to church. This year this sweet friend purchased Coco a superhero shirt complete with cape! Thank you friends for your generosity.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Memory Texts

Here are a few of the memory texts that we have learned this year. I have found that using actions as well as songs really help the children memorize Bible verses and more! We even have songs that we sing during math to help them memorize things such as days of the week, months of the year, time, and money!

The video below was taken last school year. We learned it this year and performed it the day before Thanksgiving break during whole-school assembly, but I forgot to take a video.

Historian of the Week 2015 | Rosa Parks

Dr. Seuss and Read Across America

In honor of Dr. Seuss' birthday, we spent the week before Spring Break reading Dr. Seuss books and doing Dr. Seuss themed activities. As always, favorite Dr. Seuss included Green Eggs and Ham and the infamous Cat in the Hat. We tallied votes to see how many students would like and would not like the Cat in the Hat to come to their house. Afterwards we wrote the reasons of why we voted yes or no for the Cat in the Hat to come over. The most popular activity was a directed drawing of the Cat in the Hat. It was a Seusstastical week indeed!

Historian of the Week 2015 | Betsy Ross

Scientist of the Week 2015 | Dancing Colors

Historian of the Week 2015 | Plastic Milk