I don't know about you, but one of my favorites times of the year is when Back-to-School sales start. I already have a trunk full of school supplies that need to be dropped off in our classroom, and I drive a mini-van so that's a lot of supplies! Target's Dollar Spot and the Dollar Tree are some of my favorite places to shop for really great deals. I'm embarassed to admit how many times a week I frequent our local Targets (emphasis on that S at the end, haha!) during Back-to-School sales season. Parents, if you already didn't know, a school supplies charge is included in your registration fee which means I am your handy-dandy personal shopper for all of your 2nd grader's school supplies and materials. You will, however, need to shop for a few essentials that your child will need.
School Supplies List
A few notes:
Please make sure your child has this version of the International Children's Bible published by Thomas Nelson. Our Bible program relies heavily on this publication as it gives students page numbers on which they can find specific Bible texts for various lessons. I have seen this exact Bible at the Family Christian Stores. You can also order it online HERE through Adventist Book Center. Please allow 1-2 weeks for delivery. If you don't want to pay shipping, you can contact our local Adventist Book Center located in Willowbrook to place an order.
Gym shoes must have non-marking soles to help maintain our gymnasium's wood flooring. The shoes are to stay here at school for use during P.E. class.