Sunday, September 18, 2011

Remembering 9-11

Last week was quite busy! On Monday we had a very special assembly with Kindergarten and 1st grade to pay tribute to the victims and hero of 9-11. It's hard to believe that ten years has passed since then. I remember that day so clearly. It was my third year of teaching. The kids in that class are now Seniors in high school. We spent a lot of that day in prayer.

Here is Miss Fawn leading out in our special worship of rememberance. She read Fireboat:The Heroic Adventures of John J. Harvey.

After our worship, we went out to the front of the school where Principal Jackson offered a special prayer. Following that prayer, we said the "Pledge of Allegiance" to the American flag.

Later in the day, we made books to thank our local fire and police departements for the work that they do to help keep our commmunity safe. Here are some of the kids' drawings: