Monday, June 24, 2013

Flashback: Spirit Week

One of my summer projects is to clear out all the photos off of my iPhone. It's been a process, but I have been finding some treasures! These are School Spirit Week from back in the fall. Hope you get a good laugh from some of these. I sure did!

Disney Day ::  Boo & Pooh | Woody & BoPeep | Peter Pan & Tinkerbelle | Rapunzel, Rapunzel, and Rapunzel

Favorite Sports Team Day

Bible Character Day  ::  David the Shepherd Boy | Bible Woman | Angel | Roman Soldier

Bible Character Day :: Mary & Joseph x 3
and Pharaoh's daughter x 2 down below

Senior Citizen Day :: Notice the hair of the student in the top left corner?
Her mother wove white thread through her hair to make it look like she had gray hairs. Genius.
And down below, my personal favorite - two grandmas with saggy stockings. Incredibly cute!

And a few photos of yours truly :: me as a football on Favorite Sports Team Day (Go Bears!),
Pharaoh's daughter on Bible Character Day (my mom bought the headpiece in Egypt several years ago),
 and red-headed princess Merida from Brave on Disney Character Day.

Graduation Persuasion Speeches

I did this activity back in Illinois with last year's 2nd grade class after finding it on Pinterest. Click HERE to see that blog post.

Like last year's kids, this year's class of 2nd and 3rd grade hopefuls were a bunch of nervous wrecks knowing that they had to present three reasons before a secret judge who would tell them whether or not they would be promoted to the next level! The day before they were summoned to appear before the judge, we brainstormed all the reasons they could think of to convince the judge to let them graduate. The kids were even encouraging each other to use their very best handwriting in case the secret judge were to look at their papers. (Hilarious!)

This year I convinced my husband, Mr. U, to be our judge. Unfortunately, due to my lack of planning amidst the end-of-school-year craziness, "Judge U" had to do without the judicious robe. However, with gavel (more like rubber mallet, haha) in hand, the kids were still quite nervous presenting their cases to him as you will see in the video down below!

Newest Member of Cranium Club!

Congratulations once again to this former 2nd grader for memorizing 20 tough facts on our Cranium Club list. She has rightly earned her Hall of Fame Status!

Newest Members to 100 Club!

These two lovely ladies logged in 100 books read at home just in the nick of time, and were awarded their certificates at the end of the school year! Congratulations, ladies. I am proud of you!

Just a note: this super reader had her picture taken on Book Character day hence the super cute nose and whiskers!