Tuesday, February 4, 2014

100th Day of School Celebration

What a fantastic 100th Day of School celebration we had! I invited the children to come to school dressed up to look like they were 100 years old. When the children walked into the classroom they were greeted by Great-grandma U. who was the "substitute" until lunchtime.

Here are some photos of the kids' fabulous 100 year old costumes.  

This 100 year old 2nd grader found the Fountain of Youth and didn't age at all! Too funny!

One of the most popular 100th day activities was working in tables to create something with 100 building block pieces. Another great idea found on Pinterest!

We made 100th day poems. Here is a sample of one:

Thanks to Pinterest, I picked up a fun app called Aging Booth so that the kids could have an idea of what they would really look like as a 100 year old. Best laughs we have had all year!

 Here are some fun videos we watched for our 100th day celebration.