Thursday, March 13, 2014

Flashback: S[no]w Much Fun and New Years Goals

After two winters in Florida, I must admit that I do miss having snow during the winter months. What I love most is how beautifully crisp and clean everything looks when covered by newly fallen snow. However, I do not miss the frigid cold, dry hands, chapped lips, and taking what seems like forever to bundle up in winter gear. Living in Florida does have its perks!

Here is a super cute craftivity project that the kids did back in January during our winter unit that was inspired by a pin I found on Pinterest. (Sorry I can't remember what blog it came from!)

Another fun craftivity that we did in January featured our New Years goals. The one on top is hilarious. Her goal is to stop screaming at her brother. And I'm totally scratching my head over the second one. I think that sweet little boy is already so nice to me! Kids are so funny.