Monday, April 20, 2015

April Fools Day

I'm not much of a prankster, but I have some really cute school pranks that I thought I'd try on the kids this school year. In the morning I told the kids we were going to go outside to look for a special bird called a Lirpaloof that migrates to our area during the days around April 1st. I got the idea and the handout HERE on the blog Sunny Days in Second Grade. I told the class that a Lirpaloof loves to eat carrots and we'd hold out carrots (we made them out of contruction paper since I forgot the real carrots at home) and sing "Lirpaloof" to help us find the elusive bird. The kids were so excited, and they did such a great job singing "Lirpaloof" (check out the video below).


I had the hardest time keeping a straight face! After several kids said they had spotted a Lirpaloof in one of our playground trees, I brought them inside and asked them to help me spell Lirpaloof backwards. It took a little bit, but finally one of the kids had a light bulb moment and figured out that the Lirpaloof was a prank.

  After some laughter, I told the kids that I was sorry if any of them felt bad and that I would make it up to them after recess with treats that I brought. I told them I brought brown Es, but of course they all thought I said brownies. It took awhile for them to get it, but when they all finally did we all had a good laugh. Since they were all such great sports, I passed out brownies (the real thing!) for all the kids to enjoy.

Scientist of the Week 2015 | Underwater Volcano

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Historian of the Week 2015 | Mark Twain

This was an exciting Historian of the Week presentation! This is the first time a Historian of the Week brought in an actor to play the part of the famous person. Some of our even asked if our special guest really was Mark Twain. Do you see a resemblance?

Scientist of the Week 2015 | See a Sunset

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

School Spirit Week | Spring Edition

The week before Easter was School Spirit Week. These were our themes for the week:

  • Sweats Day
  • Tacky Tourist Day
  • Twin Day
  • Spring Colors (Pastels) Day

Tacky Tourists: crazy Chicago Cubs fan and tourist; Michigan tourist;
birdwatching tourist; Florida beach tourists; Disney tourists
Twin Day
These two cuties dressed up as twins. I had to take a picture of their embroidered jeans. :o)
This cutie didn't have a partner to dress up with for Twin Day so she wore matching outfits with her doll!
Flashback to Fall Spirit Week. Teachers and staff LOVE to dress up too!
Mary Poppins | Fancy Nancy | The Energizer Bunny

Historian of the Week 2015 | Pocahontas

Scientist of the Week 2015 | How to Make an Egg Float