Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas Nativtiy

I am so proud of my 2nd graders! They preformed for a full house, or in our case a full classroom, that included parents, grandparents, and members of our staff. In all the years I have been doing this production, this year was truly the best! Unfortunately, since I was playing the piano for the kids I was unable to take pictures or video during the actual performance. Here's a little sneak peek of one of our practices. Parents, if you have any video or pictures of our presentation please share!

Two photo shares of our shepherds and wise guys, the last one courtesy of Ms. Cherie one of our 2nd grade parents and HAA's communications coordinator.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Goat Project Update

After a lengthy discussion about wants and needs during this holiday season, my 2nd graders decided not to have a traditional classroom gift-exchange. Instead, they opted to raise money to help others in need. Our goal this Christmas was to raise $70 for a dairy goat to help provide nourishment and income for a family in another country. I am so happy to report that the 2nd graders exceeded this goal with the help of generous parents, faculty, and students in other grades. We were able to raise more than $280 (!!!) and we purchased TWO goats in addition to a sheep, honeybees, and two sets of chickens for six different families around the world.

I must mention that the 7th graders and their teacher, Mr. Meharry, were so moved by goat project that they collected money ( almost $77!) without our knowledge. Last Thursday they came into our classroom, surprised us with the money, and then prayed for us and our project. What a blessing that was! I was so moved, I couldn't help but cry.

7th grade treasurer puts the classroom's contribution into our collection box.

7th grade class pastor prays for our project.

I'm so proud of my 2nd graders!

The 2nd graders prayed for the money, the animals to be purchased so they remain healthy (one of the students really did request that we pray for this specifically!), and for the families who will receive the livestock.

I can't begin to tell you how moved I was by this whole experience, and I know that the 2nd graders were blessed as well. I hope that this lesson in giving is one that they will keep with them for years and years to come. Thank you to those who contributed both monitarily and in prayer. We appreciate you!

Friday, December 9, 2011

In the Spirit of Giving

This year instead of a the traditional classroom gift exchange, the 2nd graders have decided to do things a little differently. We have chosen to raise money to buy a goat for an impoverished family in another part of the world. Please watch the following video from Samaritan's Purse. They are the same organization that does Operation Christmas Child.

Our goal is to raise SEVENTY DOLLARS by next week Thursday. If we don't make our goal, we will purchase chickens and/or honeybees instead. If we surpass our goal, we will purchase as many gifts as we can.

Here is a picture of our collection box. So far we have already raised more than three dollars!

If you and your family are interested in purchasing a gift for those in need around the world this Christmas through Samaritan's Purse, please check out their gift giving catalog HERE.

And now a fun picture of our friend, Flat Wrigley, hanging out on our classroom decor. (Please don't try this trick at home.) :o)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Meet Our First 100 Club Gold Member!

Congrats to our very first Gold Member of the 100 Club! He reached (and surpassed!) the goal of reading 100 books outside of school. We are so very proud of him. He not only earned his name on the 100 Club! banner, he received a nifty Presidents 100 piece Puzzle for being the first to reach the goal. We have a couple classmates who are also very close to reaching Gold Member status. Keep on reading, 2nd graders!

Anti-Bulling Awareness Campaign

HAA's very first Anti-Bullying Awareness Campaign began yesterday with a special presentation given by Sarah Migas, Internet Safety Officer from the Office of Illinois Attorney General. Kinder, 1st, and 2nd grade learned and discussed how Internet safety and enjoyed video bytes by Clippy. His videos along with activities can be found here -

For more information about Internet Safety and Cyber-Bullying, please check out the resources available at

Monday, December 5, 2011

The Adventures of Flat Wrigley

The book series Flat Stanley has been entertaining kids for many years now. Not too long ago I got an iPhone (my first one!), and I delightfully stumbled upon a Flat Stanley app. The photographer in me was utterly excited.
I'd like you to meet Flat Wrigley. I chose his name in honor of Wrigley Field and some very die-hard Chicago Cubs fans that live in my house.

I introduced the 2nd graders to Flat Wrigley earlier this afternoon. They're very excited to follow his adventures!

Here's Flat Wrigley hanging out with Principal Jackson! The 2nd graders loved this photo.

Stay tuned for the next set of adventures with Flat Wrigley.