Sunday, June 3, 2012

Date with Mrs. U.

Each year I have taught, I have had a year-long reading incentive for my 2nd graders. The top three students who not only read the most books in the classroom but also complete reading responses (a.k.a. book reports) for each of the books they have read earns a date with me at the end of the school year. In years past I invited these students to my house for a pizza party since I lived down the street from the school. Now that I live many, many miles away out in the middle of the cornfields the date now takes place at the local Barnes & Noble followed by dinner at a restaurant that the top readers select.

Introducing this year's top three classroom readers . . .

Congratulations, girls!

Since my regular babysitters (a.k.a. Grandma & Grandpa) were unavailable, I had to bring my two sons along. Thankfully, they love books and I didn't have to worry about them because this is what they did the whole time we were at the bookstore . . .