Monday, April 30, 2012

Famous American Biography Reports, Part 1

Here's a look at some of the 2nd graders' projects. They all did such fabulous work, I'm so proud! More in another post, coming soon.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Wild About HAA Walk-a-thon

HAA's first annual walk-a-thon was a great success. All students, staff, and volunteers made it safely to and from Katherine Legge Park. Miss Datil had a pedometer, and she logged in almost 6000 steps! When we arrived at the park we played and enjoyed a picnic lunch provided by the dedicated volunteers of our Home & School Association. Many students commented how wonderful it was to have one long recess and that they would like to have many more school days just like this - too funny! Needless to say, we were all exhausted by the time we arrived back at the school for dismissal. During ride call numbers, the hallways were so quiet it felt like there were no kids in the school building. We have raised more than $13,000 (and counting) towards a new school kitchen. God is good!

On our way out. The Junior class walked with us. (A few of them are my former 2nd graders!) I headed up the front of the line while Coach and his family took the rear.

An officer from the local police department who is a frequent visitor to our school (mostly for the D.A.R.E. program) made sure that we crossed the busiest street on our route safely. Thanks Officer C!


For more information about our walk-a-thon in the Triblocal, please click HERE. You can also view more photographs one our HAA Facebook page HERE.

Students in Orbit

Take a look at how we ended our study of the Solar System. The sun and the inner planets . . .
The outer planets and Halley's Comet (the soccer ball, haha!) behind them . . .
This is definitely one of the most memorable activities in 2nd grade!

Scientist of the Week 14

I don't think I've ever mentioned it before . . . at the end of each experiment we have a Q&A session in which the class has an opportunity to ask our Scientist of the Week questions about his or her experiment.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

More African Projects

The 2nd graders had the opportunity to show off their African projects to the Kindergarten and 1st grade classes. (Many thank to Ms. Fawn and Miss Datil!) The Kinder and 1st graders had many questions, and the 2nd graders were happy to answer them.

Education Sabbath

The students of HAA did a fabulous job performing all their musical selections at HSDA church yesterday. Here's a video and pictures of the 2nd & 3rd graders singing. As always, I'm so proud of the kids not just of their beautiful singing but also of their impeccable behavior. Well done, Grade 2!

Scientist of the Week 13

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Deep in the Heart of Texas

I'm in Texas with Miss Alabata, Ms. Fawn, and Mrs. Prokop attending a teaching conference by "The Sisters", two of my teaching inspirations. Several of our elementary teachers have been implementing The Sisters' Daily 5 and CAFE programs in the classroom, and we are so excited that we have the opportunity to learn from these experts.

San Antonio is a beautiful city! We walked to the Alamo, took a boat tour along the Riverwalk, and have eaten plenty of delicious Tex-Mex food. I do miss my 2nd graders, and I can't wait to begin applying what we've learned as soon as I get back into the classroom.

Can you guess which feet belongs to which teacher?

The hostesses of our seminar, "The Sisters".
We visited the Alamo and saw a lot of cacti. We are definitely not in Illinois!
On a boat tour of the Riverwalk with the other teachers.
Can you believe there are peacocks roaming around in the backyard of the hotel where we stayed? The other picture is the ceiling of a restaurant where I ate dinner with a friend last night. So pretty and festive!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Inspired by the Wright Brothers

After much anticipation, the 2nd graders finally had their paper airplane flying contest to finish out their study on Wilbur & Orville Wright's famous first flight in Kitty Hawk, NC that took place more than 100 years ago! First of all, many thanks to the preschool kids who let us fly our paper planes during their morning recess in the gymnasium. The gym balcony was the perfect spot for take off! As expected, some planes flew farther than others, but the most important thing is that we all had fun.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

He is Risen!

"He is not here: for he is risen, as he said." Matthew 28:6, KJV

I hope that you are all having a blessed Easter, enjoying time with your families and remembering together the sacrifice that Christ made so that we can be saved and spend eternity with him in Heaven. God bless!

(Image from HERE.)