Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Morning Routine

At the start of the day, part of our morning routine includes Morning Meeting. We kick off our Morning Meeting by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, our school motto, and our classroom rules and pledge. Our Person of the Day leads out.

Classroom Pledge: I will do my best.

Classroom Pledge: I will make smart choices.

Classroom Pledge: I will have a positive attitude.

Next we sing our "Make a Circle" song, gather around the stripey rug, and do our Good Morning Greeting.

Our Person of the Day selects one of the following greetings: handshake, bump (fist bump), cheese (smiles), wave, wink (blink for those who can't wink), and bow. It's important that each person is greeted. We also take time to greet our classroom volunteers as well as any visitors who happen to be in our room.

Good Morning Shake

Good Morning Bump

Good Morning Cheese

Good Morning Wave

Good Morning Wink

Following our greeting, we have share time. At the beginning of the year we feature one student who is the Superstar of the Week. They share various things such as their Superstar of the Week poster, a favorite book, family and/or baby pictures, and a talent.

Superstar of the Week Poster
After our sharing time, sometimes we play a game of "I have . . . Who has . . .?" Most rounds of the game will involve sight words, but we will also use vocabulary words and skills from topics we are studying.

At the end of our morning routine we read the Morning Message. I always write the message in letter form. The kids "Pass the Pen" and edit mistakes that have been made in the message. These "mistakes" provide many opportunities for mini-lessons on grammar and language.