Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Cranium Club Hall of Fame Inductee!

Congratulations to the first inductee into our Cranium Club Hall of Fame! Cranium Club is an at-home enrichment program offered to students who would like to go the extra mile in their studies at home. Any student who memorizes one item on the Cranium Club list receives a punch on their Cranium Club punch card, and they are automatically entered in the club. However, a student must memorize 20 Cranium Club items in order to be inducted into the Hall of Fame!

Some examples of what this 2nd grader learned and then memorized in order to receive Cranium Club Hall of Fame status include the following:

  • List 10 NBA teams
  • List 10 NFL teams
  • List 10 dinosaurs
  • List 10 countries in Asia
  • List 10 American symbols
  • List 10 instruments in a symphony